Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Hip Hop Hustle and Turbo Kick

I didn't have much starting out but the music GETS YOU IN THE MOOD.  Hip Hop Hustle was a scorcher on the calves and shins (for me).  The jams were hot and the moves hotter.  I was missing my wing man but Rich brought it "Friday" style.  1 hour at 543 calories.  After a much needed wardrobe change from the sweat, we turned up the heat with a little Turbo Kick.  I enjoyed being able to warm the group up (since I will have to teach this in a week all by my lonesome).  We did 3 turbos, some legs and finesse.  I was unable to stay for the ab section due to an overdue dentist appointment (YUCK).  But all said and done, 1 hour at 897 calories.  I would say that's a GREAT start to the weekend.  Hope to see you all again next FRIDAY!  These calories we recorded with the BodyBugg as I was unhappy with the Timex, FitBit and Garmin results for the day.  I have made my choice to stick with the BodyBugg and had no problem keeping it onl for both hours.  I wore it a little more snug than on Wednesday evening and it did not budge an inch.  WINNER!  Now I just need some BLING.


  1. 1,400? I'll take it! Hopefully my burn was similar to yours!

  2. Had a calorie day of my own, HHH and 45 min. of basketball in the morning and then 2 hours of softball in the evening. Glad to be there with ya, I'll see you again on INSANE Wednesday!
